Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crime in the Philippines

This was a kind of close call I had today. Mexica  and I were catching a taxi in front of our apartment at about 6:30 PM. Traffic was awful as it usually is that time of day and cars were not moving. There were very few taxis available.

One thing you see here is young boys, about  8-12 years old who will run for a taxi for you. They find an available taxi out on the street and then bring the taxi to where you're waiting. For this, you give them a few coins, usually I give them about 5-10 pesos, depending on conditions and how far they had to go, etc. That would be about $.25 in US dollars, but that's pretty good in a world where a teacher makes about 200 pesos a day. I think these kids' parents send them out every day and tell them to come back with money. I don't think they care much how the kids get it.

Anyway, a cab arrived without any assist from any of the urchins, but two boys fought to open the car door for us and get a few coins. Usually I would give them very little, if anything for this, since they didn't do anything. These boys were very persistent and one was getting way too close--and then I noticed a pressure on my front pants pocket (which is where I keep my wallet here) and reached down and pulled out a hand that wasn't mine. My pocket was being picked! The boy tried to bluff that he was only asking for a coin, but I knew what he was up to, and he knew that I knew. He ran off and Mexica and I (Mexi  was already  in the taxi) rode off to the Mall. Close call.

1 comment:

Ray and Susan said...

Another vacation? wow i wish i was retired. instead i am just tired. but we are heading to Coeur d'Alene for the national sidecar rally next month. then a week of riding in eastern Washington. i am really looking forward to it. hope you have a nice time in Thailand.