Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rainy Season

It appears that the rainy season has arrived. There's rain every day, very hard, for at least a short while. As a result, the streets fill with water. The storm drains here can't handle the downpours, but the streets clear pretty quickly, at least in most places. There are some spots where the drainage isn't quite right and the water builds up. I'm going to take a video one of the next downpours and post it, so those of you who haven't seen it can experience it some. The worst part is that because  the streets aren't kept very clean, the water in the streets is very foul.

Even though it's raining, it's still hot. Very hot. I thought maybe the rain would bring down the temperatures, but not to any meaningful extent, at least so far. Still no typhoons, thank goodness. We bought a rechargeable emergency light and we're buying some canned goods so we will be prepared when a big storm hits. We just got a nice package from home that included AA and AAA batteries to power our other flashlights. Batteries here are not very reliable. There were a lot of goodies in the box, including some new clothes for me that are more appropriate in size. I'm down to a 48 inch waist from a 56, and still going.