Monday, September 28, 2009

Heartbreaking Needs-Ketsana (Ondoy)

The caption said these were missionaries, but did not identify a particular church.

I know you are all busy and all concerned with many things. I really do understand that. And, I know that there are many tragedies all around the world every day and certainly every year and that the tugs and pulls of these multiple disasters can be overwhelming. Every one of those disasters yields photos as heartrending as these I've posted.

Nevertheless, I'm going to ask you to consider making a donation to the relief organization of your choice to support their operations in the Philippines. The Philippine capital of Manila, a city of 10 million people, was inundated by 16-22 inches of rain in 6 hours (Katrina dropped 10 inches) from Tropical Storm Ketsana (called Ondoy in the Philippines). The resources of the Philippine government are strained to the breaking point. The Philippine people are mostly poor and struggling in the best of times, and these are far from the best of times. People are going to need clean water, food, shelter, and replacements for the belongings (often meager to begin with). If you can help, please help.

I did some research and ended up giving to a place called Direct Relief International. They usually focus on maternal child health and basic medical supplies. In the current emergency, they say they working on housing, sanitation, and preventing disease outbreaks. The BBB gives them a clean bill of health and they seem to spend most of their money on relief (not on fund raising). There are, I'm sure, hundreds of other organizations doing work that is just as good (maybe better). Please consider giving.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Instant Classic!!!

Late season game in Seattle. The Mariners clinging to the outer edges of the wild card race like a drowning man to a piece of driftwood. The Yankees marching through on their victory parade. The M's do, however, have King Felix on the mound, finally living up to every expectation this breakthrough season.

The teams struggle against good pitching through 9 innings. The Yanks take a 2-1 lead on some questionable defense (aside-is Bill Hall's bat so valuable that it was worth playing him when he can't run?). The M's sputtering offense hits two major potholes. Ichiro is picked off twice. Never happened to him before. The second time he was safe, but the ump blew the call. Ichiro sits on the bench, simmering, stewing, clearly embarassed.

This is what makes baseball a great sport. The opportunity for dazzling one on one matchups and the chance for redemption. Still down 2-1 with two outs in the 9th, what remains of the once great Mike Sweeney slams a double off of THE-GREATEST-CLOSER-EVER-MARIANO-RIVERA and brings--wait for it--Ichiro--to the plate. It can't happen. Two Hall of Fame ballplayers facing off. Rivera hasn't blown a save against Seattle since the 90's. Ichiro is embarassed, humiliated by his prior failures (in perspective, at this point, he's 3 for 4 on the day). First pitch, Mariano tries to get ahead with his stinker sinker, and Ichiro is ready for it. He cheats in the box, adjusting his stance for a pitch inside and he catches the pitch perfectly, smashing a game winning arch to right field. PERFECT!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Have My Car

Well, a mere $3700 dollars and 24 days later, I have my car.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Car Held Hostage

My regular reader, on the arrogant assumption there is such a person, will go to my post of August 22 and see that I was told my car would be done in two weeks. Today is 21 days since that day--and I was told my car would be done today, but it's not and now they say Tuesday, for sure (and he said, I'm lucky it'll be ready then).

The old guy who runs the shop where my car is being fixed is a real charmer. I went in to see if my car was ready, about 3:45 PM Saturday, and I've never felt quite so unwelcome, especially considering I'm dropping $4000 in their lap. He was rude, obnoxious and insulting as he told me that they would call me (they've not called me ever in the past) when it was ready. He seemed unaware that having someone's car 7 days longer than first promised could present anyone with a problem or difficulty. He did offer to sell me another car.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ben-Labor Day

Visited Ben and his family for Labor Day. Had a great time. We went to Red Robin for burgers and stuff. Then we came home to play a role-playing game based on Star Wars characters. I was a noble-civil servant (type casting, I guess) and with Sam (who was a spy) and Ammon (who was a warrior) we rescued the lost young girl from the evil clutches of a mad scientist and his level-10 Gangster Overlord Hutt. I had no idea what I was doing, but had fun doing it! Then we all had ice cream and grandpa headed home.