Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gotta Love the Sox!

Check this guy out! He turns 100 on Sunday, and on Saturday, he'll be honorary batboy for the Red Sox. He was a batboy for the Boston Braves when he was 13. Big Papi will be wearing #100 on his uniform in his honor. One day in 1922, he met Babe Ruth (a Red Sox player, but at Braves Field that day) and also met guys like Honus Wagner, Rogers Hornsby, Grover Cleveland Alexander. Now he'll be hanging out with Dustin Pedroia, Kevin Youkilis, and David Ortiz. Six degrees of separation strikes again. So cool!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day, 2009

I just thought I'd post some random things I found on the web today.

What makes floods in Manila an "Earth Day" posting? The flooding is being blamed, in part, on storm drains that are clogged by trash and debris. One thing I noticed in the Philippines is that littering is unfortunately common. Another thing (not an Earth Day issue) is the mix of tricycles, jeepneys and other vehicles so typical of the islands.

I have to warn you about this link. It is not for faint of heart, but I encourage you to watch it. If you can watch this without crying, I don't want to know you. This is heartbreaking. One of the terrible things about being there, amidst so much want and hunger and need is knowing two things--first, I could help any one of these people I saw, but second, I cannot help all of the people I see. So, who do you help and how do you decide?

This link tells a similar story, but is set in India. Not as emotionally jarring, but good and (best of all?) very brief at only about 1 minute.

And then this one more, with a more upbeat message about being content with the things we have. Now that I've made my last car payment and I admit I'm thinking about a new, bright and shiney car, I need to remember that the one I have works fine and has only 72,000 miles on it!

Monday, April 20, 2009


My very good and great friend, Larry Orchard, passed away on Saturday after a brief but terrible battle with cancer.
He was a true friend in the best sense of that word. When my marriage ended and I had to move out of my house, Larry let me into his home. He was generous and kind about our time together. He did say he liked my cooking. Living there was a vacation of sorts from the stress that I was feeling in the rest of my life. It was a respite I very much needed, and I left after about 3 months, much more able to bear my burdens.
I knew Larry for more than 20 years. The cliche of someone who would give you the shirt off their back applied to him. He always listened patiently to my complaints and gripes when my life or my work was going badly. He endured his final illness with grace and amazing optimism. I miss him.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens

Movie Review

I went to see this with 4 of my grandkids, Ben's kids, and we saw it in IMAX 3D, and it was very entertaining. I enjoyed the quality of the 3D and they didn't overuse it too badly. A few scenes at the beginning of the film that were just showing off, but after that it was great. There were jokes for grownups and jokes for kids. No new ground being broken, no depth to the story or anything, just a fun afternoon with grandkids. So what, that's a 3 (of 5)? Yeah, I'd say a 3, solid 3, you could do worse with your money. Be sure to see it in the 3D, it's worth the money.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Has Spring Finally Sprung?

Well, there is always hope, and these cherry trees in blossom outside my apartment are certainly one more reason to have some hope that Spring is here and Winter is fleeing. PLEASE!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

My photos so far have not captured it, but it has been snowing here off and on today. That takes this whole April Fools Day joke just a bit too far, and it is not in the least funny. This Winter has gone on too long for Seattle this year!